These are the most common psychological difficulties. They are briefly described here but not meant to be used as a diagnostic tool.

Adjustment Disorders

Just about everyone at some point in their lives suffers from an adjustment disorder. It is literally having difficulty adjusting to something going on in life--a new job, a new relationship, the loss of a loved one, problems at work or school...

Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood - as a result of some stressor, mild depressive symptoms are experienced.

Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety - as a result of some stressor, mild symptoms of anxiety are experienced.

Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depression -  as a result of some stressor, mild symptoms of both depression and anxiety are experienced.

Adjustment Disorder with Disturbance of Conduct - as a result of some stressor, mild symptoms of conduct issues such as truancy, vandalism, reckless driving, etc.