Self Soothe

This month's Skill of the Month is all about taking care of ourselves by engaging in soothing activities. Using self-soothing activities for ourselves when we are in an emotionally heightened state proves to be a very effective way to reduce emotional reactivity and increase relaxation. Additionally, it is a useful skill that increases our engagement with our environment.

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Wise Mind

The majority of the time a question has been asked or a decision must be made, it is not life or death. We really do have time to consider before answering or deciding. This month's skill helps us to step back and consider carefully before jumping into an impulsive act that we may later come to regret.

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Opposite Action

We know from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that our thoughts affect our feelings (when we think negatively, we feel worse and when we think more positive or realistic thoughts, we feel better). Similarly, the concept of opposite action suggests that when we DO the opposite of the way we feel, we can change our mood, too!

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